After taking the quiz I learned that I am type ISTJ!Thinking/Learning Styles
According to my results, I sometimes find it hard to take notes because I feel like everything is important and I am a “simple and direct” learner (138). That is very true because I dislike taking notes because of the fact that I’m afraid of not copying information I might need in the future. Another thing that caught my attention was that my results confirmed that I “like to argue” (139). I don’t mean that I like to argue with people, but I definitely like to debate with people and decide who has the best point of view. I don’t get hurt if somebody proves me wrong because I’m always willing to change my mind. I try to be as open minded as possible and that’s a problem sometimes. I tend to make people feel uncomfortable because I’m willing to talk about anything. Often I think that others feel the same way and that’s that part where they feel uncomfortable. I like things to be in order and I do think that it is relevant to follow rules. I’m such a chicken and I’m afraid to break the rules. My mother was very strict with me when I was growing up and I believe that’s the reason why I am the way I am. I hope that’s a good thing. One thing that bothers me a lot is disorganization. According to my results, I prefer to have a plan. It can sometimes be stressful, but “going with the flow” stresses me out even more. I like scheduling my time and following it. As an extrovert I think out loud and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing. I say what I think and I think what I say, well not so much. I tend to say things in a cruel way sometimes and I’ve hurt people by doing that before. I’m trying to work on it, but it’s difficult to state my opinions in a not so blunt way.
Instructor/Class Typology
My type is similar to Mr. Bump’s. We’re introverts, sensing and judging. I’m sure the percentages aren’t identical, but it’ll be easy for me to understand Mr. Bump’s lectures. I love the “if you want it done right, do it yourself” motto (141). I usually choose to do things on my own because I like to rely on others and only I know what I want. I’m not very patient, but one of us has to be patient, right? Luckily, Mr. Bump is the patient one in this case. It’s good that I’m open minded because this is a very different class from any class I have ever taken. In a classroom I would be the inspector (145). Ha, who doesn’t like authority? I’m sure we all do, but according to the book, ISTJ should be the inspectors. I find it sad that “changes in class structure should be avoided…because ISTJs are negatively disposed to it” (145). I disagree with this because I love change. I’ve always believed that change is good!![](
Writing styles
When it comes to writing I fit in the judging type. As soon as I am given a writing assignment I begin to think about possible topics. Then I narrow it all down little by little and choose the topic that I think I will have the most fun with. A strength that I have is that I “meet deadlines and produce more writing” (154). I don’t like to be late on anything I do and that’s why deadlines are so important to me. I am a determined person, but sometimes I’m too determined. I like to begin to start with some context and add to it little by little as I go. If I don’t do this I feel that I’m going to forget a significant piece of information. I usually don’t like writing first drafts because I always feel like they’re incomplete. Since I add my data little by little, it’s difficult for me to turn in something right away that I won’t change dramatically in the future.
My thoughts
I was a little surprised by my results, but I had it coming. My exact results were 33% introverted, 1% sensing, 50% thinking and 44% judging. That makes me look like a terrible person! Don't you think? I've never identified myself as a shy individual. Maybe I am a little shy at first, but that always goes away with time. Another thing that was quite surprising was that I don't hate people. I do enjoy being from people at times. I think tha everybody needs some time for themselves at the end of a day to think about where they're heading, but I would never isolate myself from society. I could never be away from society for too long. I've noticed that many people think that people who like spending time by themselves are depressed, but I'm not depressed at all. Only because you like to spend time on your own it doesn't mean that you're emo or something similar to being emo. I had never thought about how much I judge others until I took this quiz. I had noticed that I judge people, but I didn't think it was that bad. I like doing the right thing and being fair to others. I was raised to be a fair individual and treat others equally. I suppose that is where the 44% came from. I try not to judge others without knowing who they really or stereotype them, but I think we've all done it. Sometimes, rarely, I find stereotyping somebody without even noticing and I stop myself and remind myself that it's wrong. Being in such a diverse university should help me get used to the differences between individuals. The thinking percentage didn't surprise me. I sometimes find myself thinking about random things that others seem to ignore. I've been told before that I'm a very pensive person, but it just happens. I think it can be a good thing and a bad thing as well. Yes, it's good to think beyond other's expectations, but sometimes that prevents you from listening to what others are saying. I am aware of how bad this is, but it I'm working on it. Other people who are our same type are J. Butt, M.M. Heiss and D. Keirsey. J.